Brazil Constitution: translated, updated and commented
The following translation includes amendments until Constitutional Amendment 52, enacted on March 8th 2006. Read comments about the latest Amendments.
Remarks in purple are text of Amendments.
The principles which inspired the Constituents.
Title I
Articles 1 - 4. The Fundamental Principles.
Title II
Articles 5 - 17. Individual and collective rights and duties.
Title III
Articles 18 - 43. The Organization of State.
Title IV
Articles 44 - 135. The Organization of Powers.
Title V
Articles 136 - 144. The Defense of the State and of the Democratic Institutions.
Title VI
Articles 145 - 169. Taxation and Budget.
Title VII
Articles 170 - 192. The Economic and Financial Order.
Title VIII
Articles 193 - 232. The Social Order.
Title IX
Articles 233 - 250. General Constitutional Provisions
Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act & Representatives
Articles 1 - 90. Also, the names of all Representatives
Read also:
Comments on the Constitution of 1988. A few comments.
History of Brazilian Constitutions. A summary of each of the six old constitutions.
Why are there so many amendments?. This and others questions and answers about the Constitution.
Recent amendments. Comments about the most recent amendments.
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