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Weather in São Paulo

The graph below shows average temperature and monthly accumulated precipitation in São Paulo, the largest financial center in Brazil.

Source of information: Brazilian Institute of Aerospace Research - Weather Forecast Department.

In the graph below, the orange line shows temperature, in degrees Celsius; the blue bars show precipitation, in milimeters of raining.
weather in Sao Paulo

The graph shows that:
1) The temperature in São Paulo follows the seasons. It swings from an average of 22 degrees in the summer, to an average of 16 degrees in the winter (June - August); notice that these are average figures: the winter nights of São Paulo may become colder. São Paulo is located right on the Tropical Line of Capricorn; the temperatures are lower and have more variation than what is observed in the northern coastal cities (see weather in Recife, for comparison).
2) Winter is the dry season (April - August). There is a concentration of rain in the first months of the year. Raining in São Paulo is often concentrated on a few days (rather than equally spread across the month); the city has a chronic problem to handle with the excess of rain; the rivers of the city frequently overflow, causing confusion to the traffic; land slidings in the poor outskirts are also common.

Read more about climate in Brazil.

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