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Luxury Hotels in Mato Grosso do Sul

Below, a list of the best hotels in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, gateway to the Pantanal, one of the richest ecosystem in Brazil.

State Hotels
Mato Grosso do Sul Caiman Pantanal Ecologial Lodge

Caiman hotel Pantanal Caiman hotel Pantanal

Caiman is a pioneer project of ecological tourism in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul and has accumulated vast experience in this kind of tourism over its nearly 20 years of business.
The know how in planning special tours, along with the services rendered by the Caimaners, bi-lingual university-level tour guides specialized in the flora and fauna of the Pantanal, are important assets of Caiman´s group. Caiman strives to provide high-quality service and, in turn, guarantee the satisfaction of customers.
Aside from its work in hotel services, Caiman has become an important local reference for scientific research regarding flora and fauna of Pantanal. It is presently the headquarters for the "Projeto Arara Azul" (Blue Macaw Project), dedicated to the preservation of this bird, currently threatened with extinction.
Distant 236 kilometers from Campo Grande, capital city of Mato Grosso do Sul State, Refúgio Ecológico Caiman is located on a cattle farm of approximately 53,000 hectares. Guests stay in one of four lodges.
Caiman offers a variety of tours like horseback rides, canoe trips, trail hikes and authentic picture taking safaris, always presided over by the Caimaners, the official guides. At Caiman, it is also possible to to take part of a Cattle Drive, a tradition in the Pantanal, in which about 300 heads of cattle are driven by the guests along with guides and workers.

Visit the Caiman Pantanal Ecologial Lodge website.

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