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Tourist Cities
The sites below have information about the most important touristic Brazilian cities. An effort was made to select sites containing insightful information, avoiding sites which just copy and paste generic info and sites offering purely commercial info.
Rio de Janeiro and region
In English. RioTur is the official tourist board of the city of Rio de Janeiro
In English. Insider's guide to Rio de Janeiro
Lonely Planet guide to Rio
In English. Guide for the independent traveller.
Pictures of Rio
In English. Site maintained by the Department of Physics of Federal University of Rio
Angra dos Reis
In English, Spanish and Portuguese. A coastal city in the State of Rio.
In English and Portuguese. Small beach village made famous by French actress Bridgite Bardot, which fell in love with the place.
In English, Spanish and Portuguese. Paraty has historic and ecological attractions.
Rio Convention Bureau In English and Portuguese. Info about the main events in Rio.
Sao Paulo
Sao Paulo Convention Bureau In English and Spanish. Info about the main events happening in the city.
City of Sao Paulo
In English. Site maintained by a business events organizer in Sao Paulo
Minas Gerais
Belo Horizonte Official site. In English. The capital of Minas Gerais.
Congonhas In English. The city of the prophets.
Estrada Real In Portuguese only. The name means The Royal Path; this path was used to transport the gold produced in Minas Gerais to the port of Rio, where it was embarked to Europe.
Paraná, Foz do Iguacu and region
Foz do Iguacu official site
In English, German and Portuguese. Official website.
Santa Catarina
Santa Catarina official site In English, Spanish and Portuguese. Official website, maintained by the State government.
Salvador, Bahia
Salvador Tourism Board
In English, Spanish and Portuguese. Official website. Very good.
Bahia Online
In English. Site about the culture of Salvador and Bahia.
Morro de São Paulo Popular destination in the coast of Bahia.
Recife, Olinda, Pernambuco
Pernambuco guide
In English. Information about the state of Pernambuco.
Recife Information about the capital and other major cities in the State.
Ceara, Fortaleza and region
Ceara official site.
In English. Official site of the State of Ceara. There is a section dedicated to the capital city of Fortaleza.
Ceara, Fortaleza and region
In English. In every tourist survey, Jericoacara ranks among the best beaches in Brazil. Fortaleza In English. Information about the capital and the main beaches in the State.
Natal, Rio Grande do Norte
Natal Guide
In English. Complete guide of the city.
Economically, this is one of the poorest Brazilian State. However, the State is very rich in tourist attractions.
Parque dos Lençóis The translation is Park of Sheets. This region is formed by white dunes (like sheets) which trap clean water forming several lagoons.
Pantanal, Mato Grosso and region
In Portuguese only. Bonito is becoming a major eco-tourism destination among Brazilian travellers.
Manaus, Amazonas and the Amazonic area
Manaus on line Information about Manaus, the capital of Amazonas, main gateway to the Brazilian Amazon .
Pará and the Amazon In English and Portuguese. Information about the culture of the Amazon people.
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