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Arriving to Bahia, Brazil
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Map of Bahia
Map of Transportation in Bahia Roads, ports, airports. Notice that some links are clickeable.
Conditions of federal roads in Bahia. Up to date info. Click on the name of the road to read details about it.
The most important road is BR-101, which goes from north to south; this road has a permanent traffic of heavy trucks, and some parts are in bad conditions. Be very careful.
Buses: the main bus station of Salvador is
Rodoviária de Salvador (Salvador Bus Station)
Address: Av. A. C. Magalhães, 4362 S1
Tel.: (71) 131 - Tourist Information or (71) 460-8300 (Administration)
Some important bus operator:
Viação Senhor do Bomfim (no website available) Tel: 079 2184451 / (79) 241-3090. From Salvador to Aracaju and Maceió.
Nossa Senhora da Penha from Salvador to Recife and Fortaleza
Itapemirim from Salvador to Recife, Fortaleza and Rio de Janeiro
São Geraldo from Salvador to Natal and São Paulo
Rapido Federal from Salvador to Goiânia, Brasília and interior of Bahia
Águia Branca from Salvador to Rio de Janeiro
Most important airports in Bahia:
In Salvador: International Airport Luis Eduardo Magalhães, formerly Airport 2 de Julho; located about 32 km (20 miles) distant from downton. Read also this non-oficial web site about the Airport of Salvador  .
In Ilhéus, south of Bahia: Airport Jorge Amado
In Paulo Afonso, near the Bahia/Alagoas/Sergipe border: Airport Paulo Afonso
In Porto Seguro, a major tourist destination: Airport of Porto Seguro
Ports: there are three major ports in Bahia: Salvador, Aratu and Ilhéus; for more info about them, visit the site of CODEBA, the state owned company created to manage the ports. The ports are used mostly by trading companies, but a growing number of touristic ships is coming to Bahia; check out this list of ships expected in Bahia.
The Rio Grande and Rio São Francisco have navigable courses in Bahia. Both are used mostly for transportation of minerals, grains and fruits. However, the touristic potential of the river is beginning to be explored; take a look at this site about the tourism in river São Francisco; notice the links to photos at the bottom of page.