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Hotels in the Amazon, Brazil

Brazil Hotels

The Amazon is certainly the least explored area in Brazil, when it comes to travel and tourism. One reason for (and consequence of) this is the lack of good hotels.

Amazon jungle

Building high standard hotels in the Amazon is no easy task. First because of the long distances involved, which make it harder to obtain material and human resources necessary to build and mantain high level establishments. Second becaue there is a growing preoccupation with environment matters in Brazil; any bulding must find a balance between offering comfort and preserving nature.
These difficulties, however, have not prevented enterprises in the Amazon. Knowing that more and more foreigners are turning their attention to the tourist potential of the largest ecosystem in the world, the Governments of the Amazon States (mainly Amazonas and Pará) have been giving incentives for large groups (often foreigners) to build eco-resorts in the area.
The Amazon is probably the Brazilian region with the biggest tourist potential in the near future.

Hotels in Manaus.
Hotels in Belem.

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