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Internet in Brazil

According to the Brazilian Steering Committee, in January 2003, Brazil was the 9th country in number of hosts connected to the internet (a "host" is a machine with an internet address).

There are several estimates about the number of internet users, but the figures not always are reliable.
IBOPE (the acronym in Portuguese stands for Brazilian Institute of Public Opinion and Statistics) is a respected Brazilian private company which carries out surveys on public preferences; IBOPE joined forces with Nielsel NetRatings to measure audiences in the Brazilian internet. They didn't bother to create a website; instead, they used a page of IBOPE's, which can be found here.
IBOPE-Nielsen is a private company which sells the results of their surveys; however, from time to time they make public some press releases, with interesting information about the statistics of internet in Brazil (the page is updated frequently, and is one of the best sources of information about the habits of the Brazilian internet user).
In their latest release about the number of home users (monitoring of office users is not implemented yet), IBOPE revealed that, in June of 2003:
- 7.922 million users accessed the internet from home, up from 7.457 million in January
- the average navigation time was 10h47min, down from 11h09min in January
- the expansion rate, which had been 23.2% in the first half of 2002, slowed down; IBOPE representatives see a correlation between the internet figures and the desacceleration of the Brazilian economy
- Brazilian youngsters use the internet more time than young French, British and Spaniards
- people aged 25-34 are the ones which use more regularly the internet

Most visited sites in Brazil

Click the link to visit IBOPE's info about the most visited websites in Brazil; there are also information about international sites and navigation times.
In September 2003, among the top ten sites, three were Brazilian (, and, and seven were major global players (yahoo, terra, msn, google, etc).

Also, check out daily updated Alexa's 100 most visited sites in Portuguese language

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