Lula's ratings fall
A survey released on August 23rd 2005 shows a rapid fall in the ratings of President Lula. This survey was conducted three months after the denounces of a huge corruption scheme in Lula's government came to light.
The survey was conducted by Ibope, the most popular institution of this kind in Brazil. The results as published by Ibope can be found here (PDF format). Ibope interviewed 2002 people, from 143 Brazilian municipalities, between 18th and 22nd August. Estimated error margin is 2.2%.

Approval of government. The green line shows the percentage of population which approves the government, and the red line shows the percentage who disapprove it. For the first time since Lula took office, the disapprovers outnumber the approvers.

Evaluation of government. Yellow line shows percentage of people who consider the government "Regular", green line shows "Good / Very Good", and red line shows "Bad / Very Bad". For the first time since Lula took office, there are more people evaluating the government as Bad/Very Bad than Good/Very Good.

Trusting in the President. Green line shows percentage of people who declared to trust in the President, whereas red line shows the percentage of people who do not trust in the President. For the first time since Lula took office, there are more people who declare not to trust him than people who declare to trust him.
The survey also show that, if elections were held today, José Serra (mayor of São Paulo, runner up candidate against Lula in 2002) would have 30% in the first round, against 29% for Lula; in a second round, Serra would beat Lula in all the regions of the country (Ibope conducted separated surveys).
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