Brazil Travel


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Roraima - Geography

Map of Rondônia

Roraima is the least populated Brazilian State, and also the one with lowest populational density; more than half of population lives in the capital city, Boa Vista. However, Roraima is also the State with the highest rate of population growth, majorly due to internal migrations: numbers grew from 92,000 in 1980 to 324,000 in 2000.
The largest part of Roraima is above the Equatorial Line. The northernmost point of Brazil is Monte Caburaí, in Roraima; notice that, until a few years ago, the extreme point was thought to be the river Oiapoque, in the State of Amapá; today, IBGE has recognized Monte Caburaí as the northern extreme of Brazil, but there are still several references in informational sources to the Oiapoque.
About 72% of the State (southern and western zones) is covered by the Amazon forest; the remaining 28% are composed by savannahs (or cerrados, as they are called in Brazil), where most of population lives.
The entire State has high temperatures; average annual temperature is around 24 degrees Celsius.
Rains. In the zone of forests, pluviometry reaches 2,000 mm per annun, evenly distributed; in the zone of cerrados, pluviometry is a little lower, around 1,500 mm, with a well marked dry season.
Most of the state is at low altitudes; in the border with Venezuela, one finds the montain chains of Parima and Pacaraima.

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