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ACRE - Geography
Practically the whole State of Acre is in the Amazon region, with low and little variant altitudes (two thirds of the State are between 200 and 300 meters of altitude); in the western border there is a mountain chain, the Serra da Contamana, with the highest peak at 609 m.
Climate is hot and very wet, classified as Am in the Koppen system. Average monthly temperatures range from 24 to 27 degrees Celsius. Yearly rain is about 2,100 mm, with a dry season on June, July and August.
Vegetation: the entire State is covered by the
Amazon forest. There is a particular abundance of rubber trees, and the State is the main Brazilian producer of rubber.
Rivers: all rivers in Acre belong to the Amazon basin. Main rivers: Juruá, Tarauacá, Embira, Purus, Iaco and Acre; rivers flow in almost parallel courses, meeting only outside of Acre. Rivers are the main means of transportation in Acre, but they can´t be navigated during the dry seasons.
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