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Brazil - Immigration Visas

The Law nr. 6.815 (full text, in Portuguese only), promulgated on Aug. 19th. 1980, determined the conditions for foreigners to visit, immigrate to and stay living in Brazil.

Some articles of interest:

Art. 16: A permanent visa may be granted to a foreigner with intentions to stay definitively in Brazil.
Sole paragraph. The immigration objective will be, primordially, provide especialized work force to various sectors of Brazilian economy, aiming at increases in productivity, assimilation of technology and captation of resources for specific sectors.
Art. 17: To obtain a permanent visa, a foreigner must meet, besides those listed in article 5 of this law, the especific requirements for immigrants selection, set forth by the National Immigration Council.
Art. 18: The granting of permanent visas may be conditioned to, for a period of no more than five years, the exercizing of an especific activity or the settlement in an especific region of Brazil.

Art. 38. It is prohibited the legalization of the clandestine and irregular foreigners, and the transformation into permanent visas of the transit, tourist, temporary (art. 13, I, II, III, IV and VI) and courtesy visas.

Resolutions of the National Immigration Council
As stated by art. 17 above, the Conselho Nacional de Imigração is the body which legislate about the requirements for foreigners to obtain a permanent visa.
The council issue Normative Resolutions about especific situations. Click the link to open a page with the most important resolutions concerning
immigration to Brazil; some of these Resolutions (family visas, investors, etc) are commented at the immigration legislation page

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