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Government Lula is paralyzed

Waldomiro affair grew much more than the expected by the Government. The opposition accuses the government of spending too much effort in trying to kill the affair, and, in consequence, the Administration is paralyzed.
The opposition managed to convince the required number of Senators to sign up the petition for a Probing Commission on Waldomiro's acts. The government, however, did not nominate their representatives for the Commission and, in a very controversial decision, the President of Senate (mr. Jose Sarney) said that this fact would prevent the comission from being created.
Chief of Staff Jose Dirceu has been under severe fire from the opposition. In an interview to Veja magazine, Dirceu accused the opposition of deliberately trying to destabilize the government; Senators replied with an appeal to the Supreme Court demanding the creation of the Probing Commission.
Meanwhile, more and more voices (including some from the Workers Party) are criticizing the Minister of Finances, Antonio Palocci; these voices are asking for more economic growth, even if it takes more public expenses (and a higher inflation). President Lula reafirmed total support to Palocci.
Analysts see the criticisms to Palocci as a consequence of the Waldomiro affair. Lula needed (and still needs) support from parties (notably PMDB) to stop investigations. In exchange for the support, those Parties would demand more presence in the government (more Ministries), and more money to spend.
In trying to negotiate with those Parties, without changing the economy policy, the Government would be paralyzed, the opposition says.

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