Brazil - Economy & Business


Largest corporations in Brazil - year 2015

Business and Economy.

Below, the ranking of the largest corporations with business in Brazil in the calendar year of 2015.

Banking and financial corporations are not included in the ranking.

Columns show: ranking in 2015, ranking in 2014, Company name, main business sector, total net income in R$ million, country of origin of the company.

Read more information about business in Brazil.

#2015#2014CompanyBusiness SectorNet IncomeCountryRemark
1 1 Petrobras Oil, Gas, Fuel 321,638 Brazil
2 2 JBS Food and Drink 162,914 Brazil
3 3 Vale Metal and Mining 85,499 Brazil
4 4 Ultrapar Oil, Gas, Fuel 75,655 Brazil
5 6 Ra�zen Oil, Gas, Fuel 74.109 BR/UK/Netherlands
6 5 GPA Retail 69,115 France
7 15 Odebrechet Construction and Engineering 57,463 Brazil
8 7 Braskem Chemical and Petrochemical 47,283 Brazil
9 10 Ambev Food and Drink 46,720 BR/Belgium
10 9 Cosan Oil, Gas, Fuel 43,666 Brazil
11 8 Gerdau Metal and Mining 43,581 Brazil
12 11 Telef�nica IT and Telecom 42,134 Spain
13 13 Carrefour Retail 41,437 France
14 12 Bunge Food and Drink 35,772 Netherlands
15 14 Claro IT and Telecom 33,695 Mexico
16 16 Eletrobras Energy 32,588 Brazil
17 17 BRF Food and Drink 32,196 Brazil
18 19 Cargill Food and Drink 32,087 USA
19 18 Oi IT and Telecom 27,353 Portugal
20 24 Copersucar Sugar and Alcohol 26,324 Brazil
21 20 Walmart Retailer 25,828 USA
22 27 Arcelormittal Metal and Mining 22,241 India
23 25 Cemig Energy 21,292 Brazil
24 35 Embraer Aeronautics 20,201 Brazil
25 28 CPFL Energy 20,205 Brazil
26 29 Honda Vehicles 19,346 Japan
27 22 Marfrig Food and Drink 18,891 Brazil
28 21 Fiat Chrysler Vehicles 18,876 Italy
29 31 Lojas Americanas Retail 17,926 Brazil
30 23 Volkswagen Vehicles 17,169 Germany
31 26 TIM IT and Telecom 17,138 Italy
32 37 LDC Sugar and Alcohol 16,125 Brazil
33 30 Globo TV and Media 16,045 Brazil
34 33 Latam Airline 15,604 BR/Chile 1
35 32 CSN Metal and Mining 15,331 Brazil
36 41 Neoenergia Energy 14,844 BR/Spain
37 36 Copel Energy 14,728 Brazil
38 40 Unilever Household 14,138 UK/Netherlands
39 39 Votorantim Construction and Engineering 14,046 Brazil
40 - AES Eletropaulo Energy 13,667 BR/USA
41 38 Toyota Vehicles 13,196 Japan
42 54 Amaggi Agrobusiness 12,684 Brazil
43 55 Itaipu Energy 12,269 BR/Paraguay
44 57 Energisa Energy 11,935 Brazil
45 45 Sabesp Water and Sewage 11,711 Brazil
46 - Noble Wholesale 11,649 Hong Kong
47 44 Ale Oil, Gas, Fuel 11,351 Brazil
48 65 Cielo Financial 11,122 Brazil
49 50 Light Energy 10,647 Brazil
50 56 Yara Chemical and Petrochemical 10,406 Norway
51 72 Suzano Pulp and Paper 10,224 Brazil
52 49 Enel Energy 10,222 Chile
53 59 Tereos Sugar and Alcohol 10,194 France
54 43 Usiminas Metal and Mining 10,185 BR/Japan/Argentina
55 52 EDP Energy 10,108 BR/Portugal
56 74 Fibria Pulp and Paper 10,080 Brazil
57 48 Coamo Agrobusiness 10,053 Brazil
58 46 Gol Airline 9,778 Brazil
59 63 Weg Machinery 9,760 Brazil
60 62 Bayer Chemical and Petrochemical 9,621 Germany
61 75 Minerva Food and Drink 9,524 Brazil
62 48 Whirlpool Household 9,387 USA
63 47 Luiza Retailer 8,978 Brazil
64 71 Raia Drogasil Retailer - Drugstore 8,897 Brazil
65 73 Syngenta Chemical and Petrochemical 8,840 Sweden/Netherlands
66 60 Basf Chemical and Petrochemical 8,655 Germany
67 70 CCR Logistics 8,478 Brazil
68 53 Cencosud Retailer 8,448 Chile
69 88 Nidera Agrobusiness 8,398 Brazil
70 64 Femsa - Coca Cola Food and Drink 8,272 Mexico
71 51 Renault Vehicles 8,014 France
72 69 Natura Retailer - Cosmetics 7,899 Brazil
73 101 BG Oil, Gas, Fuel 7,311 UK
74 68 Makro Wholesale 7,247 Netherlands
75 76 Equatorial Energy 7,134 Brazil
76 61 M�quina de Vendas Retailer 7,075 Brazil
77 84 Drogaria DPSP Retailer - Drugstore 7,003 Brazil
78 83 Aurora Food and Drinks 6,908 Brazil
79 82 Celesc Energy 6,847 Brazil
80 87 Iochpe-Maxion Vehicles and Parts 6,486 Brazil
81 - Saint-Gobain Construction and Engineering 6,762 France
82 135 Mosaic Chemical and Petrochemical 6,599 USA
83 79 Engie Energy 6,512 France
84 67 Samarco Metal and Mining 6,481 Brazil
85 102 Rede D'Or S�o Luiz Hospital and Healthcare 6,452 Brazil
86 86 Heringer Chemical and Petrochemical 6,308 Brazil
87 90 Azul Airline 6,257 BR/CHI 2
88 98 Fertipar Chemical and Petrochemical 6,205 Brazil
89 114 Biosev Sugar and Alcohol 6,162 France
90 99 Renner Retailer 6,145 UK/USA
91 80 CNH Vehicles and Parts 6,044 Italy
92 138 Hydro Alunorte Metal and Mining 5,995 BR/Norway
93 92 JSL Logistics 5,989 Brazil
94 94 Intercement Construction and Engineering 5,977 Brazil
95 66 Andrade Gutierrez Construction and Engineering 5,966 Brazil
96 85 Queiroz Galv�o Construction and Engineering 5,904 Brazil
97 104 Klabin Pulp and Paper 5,687 Brazil
98 119 Novelis Metal and Mining 5,658 India
99 91 Invepar Logistics 5,632 Brazil
100 106 Elektro Energy 5,578 Spain

1) Air carrier TAM became LATAM (#33), after completing the joint venture with Chilean LAN.
2) Chinese group HNA, which controls Hainan Airlines, announced an investment of US$ 450 million to buy 23.7% of Azul.

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